Happy Lunar New Year

Hap­py Lunar New Year #農曆新年快樂

英文裡有老鼠的字都沒有什麼好詞,安娜只好用日文祝福大家:新的一年「鼠勾以」、凡事都「鼠八啦系」、所有「鼠給」的事情都發生在你身上!喔耶~再追加「鼠錢鼠不完」,以上這樣,愛上我了沒有🤣🤣🤣 #放假去

Lunar New Year ➩農曆新年
Year of the Rats ➩鼠年
Spring fes­ti­val ➩ 春節
Lunar New Year’s Eve ➩除夕
New Year’s Eve Din­ner ➩年夜飯
Fam­i­ly Reunion Din­ner ➩團圓飯
Red enve­lope ➩紅包
Spring cou­plets ➩春聯
Lucky mon­ey ➩壓歲錢
Year-end bonus ➩年終獎金
Stay­ing up ➩守歲
Return to par­ents’ home ➩回娘家

Wish you pros­per­i­ty and wealth ➩恭喜發財
Great for­tune and great favour ➩大吉大利
May all your wish­es come true ➩心想事成
May for­tune come to your door ➩五福臨門
May there be boun­ty every year ➩年年有餘
May every­thing go as you hope ➩萬事如意
Ever­last­ing peace year after year ➩歲歲平安

#春節英文 #吉祥話英文 #過年 #懶人包



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