COVID19 新型冠狀病毒
#疫情英文 #coronavirus #COVID19
#大家多保重勤洗手 #線上學習好處多 #時事英文
⛔️Entry restrictions for foreigners to Taiwan in response to COVID-19 outbreak
entry restrictions #入境限制
foreigner 外國人
in response to 因應;回應
outbreak 爆發
⛔️On March 17, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) reported that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has expanded to Asian countries outside China, with more than 10,000 confirmed cases and the number continuing to increase.
Central Epidemic Command Center (#CECC) 中央流行疫情指揮中心
report 報告;宣布(動詞)
expand 擴展(動詞)
Asian countries outside China 中國以外的亞洲國家
confirmed cases 確診病例數
continuing to increase 持續增加中
⛔️Numerous countries have declared the outbreak a national emergency and introduced strict border control and quarantine measures.
numerous 眾多的
declare 宣布
strict border control 嚴格之 #邊境管制
quarantine measure 隔離/檢疫措施
🛎詳情請參考 #外交部領事事務局 網站:
【Important Announcement】‑5081-c06dc‑2.html