
英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English

by Momo Lin

Last Sun­day, I went to a new break­fast shop open­ing that called “Hong Ye”. I was order a tuna cheese burg­er and a cup of milk tea, their foods let me eat incon­ve­nient but it’s not bad. And I was vis­it my grand­ma but my uncle’s house only my sis­ter stayed, so I give her my present and I go. After I was going to rid­ing a bike with my boyfriend an hour we didn’t go sport for a long time nor­mal­ly we are eat foods more. And we saw lit­tle goats eat grass for some peo­ple fed, final­ly, we eat din­ner at stir-fries, it’s real­ly deli­cious and fresh espe­cial­ly their seafood. I didn’t watch a movie so I’m going to a the­ater on this Sun­day but I not decide which movies I want. I hope this Sun­day is a sun­ny day at least don’t rainy.


Last Sun­day, I went to a new break­fast shop called “Hong Ye”. I ordered a tuna cheese­burg­er and a cup of milk tea. Their food is not con­ve­nient eat­ing but it’s not bad. After break­fast, I vis­it­ed my grand­ma, but my grand­ma was not home, only my cousin was there. So I asked her to for­ward my present to Grand­ma and left. After that, I went bicy­cle rid­ing with my boyfriend for an hour. By the way, we sel­dom do sports togeth­er, we always enjoy food when dating.

After cycling, we saw peo­ple feed lit­tle goats grass on our way pick­ing up the scoot­er. In the evening, we had din­ner at a pan-fried food restau­rant. The dish­es are real­ly deli­cious and fresh, espe­cial­ly the seafood. We were plan­ning to watch a movie, but we didn’t have enough time. So we’re going to a the­ater this Sun­day although we haven’t decid­ed on which movie to watch yet. I hope this Sun­day would be a sun­ny day, at least no rain.

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