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  • 聖經金句

    [聖經金句中英對照] 詩篇51:6

      [‪#‎安息日金句‬] 看哪!你喜愛的是內心的誠實;在我內心的隱密處,你使我得智慧。 聖經新譯本-詩篇 51:6 Yet you desired faith­ful­ness even in the womb; you taught me wis­dom in that secret place. The Holy Bible-Psalms 51:6 (NIV) […]…

  • Matthew 7:4

    [聖經金句中英對照] 馬太福音7:4

      [‪#‎安息日金句‬] ‪#‎Sab­bath­Verse‬ 你自己眼中有梁木,怎能對弟兄說:「讓我除掉你眼中的木屑」呢? -聖經(新譯本)馬太福音 7:4- How can you say to your broth­er, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plan […]…

  • 以弗所書4:29

    [聖經金句中英對照] 以弗所書4:29

      [‪#‎安息日金句‬] 一句壞話也不可出口,卻要適當地說造就人的好話,使聽見的人得益處。【聖經新譯本-以弗所書4:29】 Do not let any unwhole­some talk come out of your mouths, but only what is help­ful for build­ing oth­ers up accord­ing to their nee […]…